Carrie's Adventures

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My pregnancy

I haven't been very active in posting during my pregnancy. I think a lot of my 'hibernation' was due to the my constant need for naps. In the early days, it seemed like my days consisted of heading to work, coming home and then spending the whole evening on the couch in a semi nap like state... Often with Hugo joining me!

We did learn very early about the pregnancy and of course it was over the holiday season. It was while I was at the Christmas lunch for work where I was first outed by two ladies from the office ~ specifically the glass I was drinking from was not of the alcoholic variety. I had thought that the Club Soda appearance would lead people to think I was on the hard stuff, but these girls were good. Of course, the guys didn't notice.

The Christmas holidays I did spend much of my time napping and it was a bit of a kick in the pants going back to work in January. Around 2pm, I would want to curl up and take a nap under my desk. Of course I also hadn't told anyone, and the 2 girls who had it 'figured out' work remotely so that bode well for keeping my 'secret'. I waited until the end of January before letting the office know, at which point the news spread like wildfire.

I was very fortunate with this pregnancy in that I didn't have morning sickness, I didn't have weird cravings or much in the way of discomfort ~ no backaches, huge swelling or other crazy things you hear others experience. I did however have heartburn ~ and given the amount of hair Sofia has, I think I know where that came from!

I must say however, after the miscarriage last year, the first 15 weeks of the pregnancy both Akis and I were on pins and needles hoping that each time I felt a twinge, or small cramp that things were not heading in a bad direction. Having lost a baby previously, you lose some of that 'pregancy innocence' and ability to be excited. You worry about the heartbreak that may be coming should things not turn out in your favour. After hearing the heartbeat at our first midwife appointment, I did feel somewhat reassured and things were much easier once I was able to feel Sofia move about. These small movements served as a reminder that things were good.

The bigger I got, the more real the pregnancy and our life change became. When people started to offer me seats on the bus, ask about my due date and in my final week ask 'when is that baby coming??', I realized that my life in fact was going to change.

Looking back, I enjoyed my pregnancy. Even going over the 40 weeks, I wasn't in a rush for Sofia to come. Many women at the end of their pregnancy are anxious for it to be over. Other than not being able to sleep on my belly and my arms and hips falling asleep, I had no complaints. I enjoyed being pregnant and wouldn't have traded the time for anything in the world. I am more than thrilled to have met my little girl, but also did enjoy the process leading up to her arrival ~ in particular once I knew she was safe and sound.


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