Beth arrives!!
My first visitor on board was my friend Beth. Looking for a bit of a get away, she emailed on Sunday and said 'Can I come this Saturday?'. After some stressing about making sure that she got on the list, and the last minute planning of the flight, I saw her standing waving to me from the guest area in the pier in San Juan. The cruise was pretty low-key with Beth rediscovering that sometimes once you have seen a Caribbean port, you have seen them all... She had her own key, she had her own bunk and I came to realize that I think she had her own deck chair!!
Having worked on a ship before Beth had been to some of the ports before and actually took me out in St. Thomas, into town to see the sights. Being 2 weeks before the holidays both of us were on the hunt for the 'right' gift and neither of us could believe that the holidays were coming, especially in light of the heat and the palm trees.
So to cap off the week, we sat and drank Coronas. No, it wasn't the Corona patio, but it was pretty damn close!

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