Carrie's Adventures

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The girls in Ketchikan

Akis' last day was the 15th. I was lucky to have some visitors to take my mind off the fact that I would now be on my own for 2 months. Beth and Darci did an excellent job of entertaining me for the week. I even had the bar bill to prove it!

First stop was Ketchikan ~ and the fish and chip hut.

Our big excursion other than the 'fish and chips' which Beth still is amazed I ate, was to Diamonds International. Beth, having taken some courses and is now certified, took to checking out the stock. The oohs and aahs came out for the 'hearts of fire' diamond which is apparently the most perfectly cut diamond. Not knowing much about diamonds, I was pretty much along for the ride. What I have learned is that they engrave the edge of the diamond, and the sparkle of the diamond is due to how it is cut. When you look at it ~ you actually see 8 mini hearts in the diamond. And yes, it really did look like this!!

We also wandered around town, taking photos and noticing that the souvenirs have not changed over the years.


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