Vacation ~ here I come! The Vancouver Leg
Who would have thought, but the day finally came, and I am Free! (well at least until I return in May for the next contract...)
The final week on the ship was ~ how can I describe it ~ like fingernails on a chalkboard. The project that was scheduled to run, while technically it did complete, there were many things that were lacking ~ including staff! I think those at the office realized I might be at my breaking point when they decided to send in reinforcements for me. So one week before I was to sign off, Ioannis returned to ensure that the IT side of things was well represented during this project. The most amazing part of all of this is that I get to see this project in action again when I board the Infinity in May ~ here's hoping that some of the communication has gotten better.
I signed off the Constellation on the 19th and have managed to keep myself rather busy in a non-busy sort of way for the past few weeks. I was able to stay with my gracious friends Al and Brent while I spent my first week and a bit in Vancouver. Arriving LATE Monday night I was treated to what must be the best blow up mattress. It even has a pump and takes less than 2 minutes to fill. Supported off the ground, this thing was amazing ~ almost as amazing as the hosties. They treated me very well durning the week while I was in the midst of quitting the bank, finding a new bank, getting my car, looking for a new apartment for Akis and I ~ we even managed to take in a few of the Vancouver 'must do's.
First stop was to Squamish. The weather was the pits most of the week with rain. The weekend was no exception and we headed up to Squamish for the afternoon for something to do. Finding a good pub, we managed to take in some snow and I was beginning to wonder what I had traded in my shorts and sandals for. After a feast of Chicken Wings, Burgers and local beer we headed back to town. It is amazing the type of food you miss while you are away. (Sorry Al, your eyes were closed in all the photos!!)

While I was away there was some incredible weather that occurred in Vancouver resulting in significant damage to one of the city's best features ~ Stanley Park. It was incredible to see the damage as words can't describe the state of the park after the winds had blown through and toppled many trees resulting in significant bare areas. Who would have thought you would be able to see West Van from the Park road!?!

Sunday afternoon we met up with a couple of Ali and Brent's friend to take in a Giants game. Having been away from the Hockey scene, this was the cheaper alternative to viewing the Canucks ~ and to be honest, sometimes more entertaining...
I did notice that the 'anti-violent' commercials that were run by the NHL last year didn't seem to have much effect as the crowd cheered on the bruts when the occassions arose. Somethings don't change and that is what makes it comforting to come home to...

There are 3 things that I really don't like doing ~ Job Hunting, Car shopping and Apartment Hunting. Somehow these 3 tasks always fall to the bottom of my 'to do' list despite the pressing need to complete the tasks. While out looking for a place for Akis and I to call home, I realized that the property values in Vancouver have gotten to be a bit redonculous as a friend of mine would say... The fact that I was unable to find much to rent for under $1000 in the Kits area and then those that I did find around the $800 mark outside of Vancouver I would be scared to leave my posessions alone, it just solidified the notion that sooner rather than later Akis and I will need to look to buy something here. That said, I have been poking my head into Real Estate links and that too seems to be outrageously priced. I guess this is the price you pay for wanting to live in a great city.
Managed to catch up with a few folks, while others were out of town on business or nursing themselves back to health. My dinner with my friend Karene is always a highlight on my trips home as I get to hear how things have been going at my former place of employment, how mutual friends are doing and generally just catch up.
And with that the 9 days in Vancouver quickly came to a close and I headed out to Ontario. I called Dad to let him know that I would be on my way, only to discover that his time has been Booked solid. Only day that would work for him was the 28th. Who knew I needed to 'reserve' Jim 2 weeks in advance!!
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