The things you do on Christmas when there is NO snow!!
A group of us gathered on Christmas day to head out to the Rainforest of Costa Rica. The activity of the day was going to be zip-lining. Some of us were newbies, others were veteran zip-liners ~ but the jist of the story was we all got to sport nice looking harnesses that accentuated all the 'right' bits, flashy helmets and some great gloves.

We were given instructions ~ lean back, keep your legs crossed and if you don't make it, you get to pull yourself along to the next platform. There were 12 platforms in total. The first one off the platform was Michael ~ a Newbie who was concerned about the safety of the system. The constant peppering of questions included ones such as 'Has this been government certified?', 'Has anyone died?', and 'Is this safe?'. This soon gave way to another type of question 'Where can I get a beer' which makes me think he was taking to this!

Kate and what happens when you don't quite make it to the next platform...

The view from the platforms was quite spectacular ~ the green of the trees. To be honest, the viewing came from the platforms as you didn't really look around too much while zipping along...

We were given instructions ~ lean back, keep your legs crossed and if you don't make it, you get to pull yourself along to the next platform. There were 12 platforms in total. The first one off the platform was Michael ~ a Newbie who was concerned about the safety of the system. The constant peppering of questions included ones such as 'Has this been government certified?', 'Has anyone died?', and 'Is this safe?'. This soon gave way to another type of question 'Where can I get a beer' which makes me think he was taking to this!

Kate and what happens when you don't quite make it to the next platform...

The view from the platforms was quite spectacular ~ the green of the trees. To be honest, the viewing came from the platforms as you didn't really look around too much while zipping along...

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