St. John's, Newfoundland
HOME, HOME, I'M HOME AT LAST... Well at least I'm in the country and I can recognize the money, find all those missing items that I haven't been able to find in the European Drug Stores and understand the rules of the road knowing that when I can skip into traffic I can do so without fear of death!
This was my first time to Newfoundland and I can honestly say I wasn't sure what to expect. I think after being at sea for 3 days, I was just excited to be able to put my feet on land.
After educating Manolis on what 'Newfie' jokes are, why some folks only have one tooth, and how this part of the country is dedictated to tourism and the fishing industry, we had the chance to get out and see the actual town.
Having worked with 2 Newfies while at Class, I am familiar with some of the traits of the Newfies as wellas their affection for Screech. Unfortunately I didn't manage to make it to the pub where a number of the fellow crew were 'Screeched in' ~ although I don't know if you are truly Screeched if you kiss the ass of a Puffin and not the lips of the fish, but hey, they did the shot, so that must count for something.
The town seems rather small, but I forget not everywhere is the size of Vancouver. The buildings are a bit beaten up, but then again, I think I would be too with the wind and the snow in the winter. But there is a quaintness about it all that is very inviting and makes you think, just about anyone would invite you in and have a drink with you....

And of course no ocean side town would be complete without the statue of the mermaid...

It is truly beautiful here, and I was disappointed that I wasn't more on top of it while we sailed away. I went to the purser's office and watched as the pilot boat bobbed in the waves ~ leaving the port past the lighthouse with the waves breaking on the rocks was truly a spectacular sight. I must see if someone got photos, cause I am disappointed that I didn't. But this is what we saw from inside the harbour, so you can only imagine what the view of the lighthouse would have provided...
This was my first time to Newfoundland and I can honestly say I wasn't sure what to expect. I think after being at sea for 3 days, I was just excited to be able to put my feet on land.
After educating Manolis on what 'Newfie' jokes are, why some folks only have one tooth, and how this part of the country is dedictated to tourism and the fishing industry, we had the chance to get out and see the actual town.
Having worked with 2 Newfies while at Class, I am familiar with some of the traits of the Newfies as wellas their affection for Screech. Unfortunately I didn't manage to make it to the pub where a number of the fellow crew were 'Screeched in' ~ although I don't know if you are truly Screeched if you kiss the ass of a Puffin and not the lips of the fish, but hey, they did the shot, so that must count for something.
The town seems rather small, but I forget not everywhere is the size of Vancouver. The buildings are a bit beaten up, but then again, I think I would be too with the wind and the snow in the winter. But there is a quaintness about it all that is very inviting and makes you think, just about anyone would invite you in and have a drink with you....

And of course no ocean side town would be complete without the statue of the mermaid...

It is truly beautiful here, and I was disappointed that I wasn't more on top of it while we sailed away. I went to the purser's office and watched as the pilot boat bobbed in the waves ~ leaving the port past the lighthouse with the waves breaking on the rocks was truly a spectacular sight. I must see if someone got photos, cause I am disappointed that I didn't. But this is what we saw from inside the harbour, so you can only imagine what the view of the lighthouse would have provided...

At 5:21 PM,
Carrie said…
Damn... How embarassing!
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