First there was Angry Bocce…
Then came the Speedo Bocce.
Now some of you may know the story of 4 boys who decided that they would get into a van in Vancouver, see the sights of the prairies with the final destination of Winnipeg. This 3 day marathon drive resulted in a significant number of kilometers being put on the van, very little sleep and the introduction of Angry Bocce to each province between British Columbia and Manitoba.
Well as Pam and I strolled the boardwalk in Le Havre, we noticed this large open space and wondered what on earth they would use this for. My first thought was Beach Volleyball, until Pam mentioned that diving into that hard packed sand may actually hurt ~ she is always good for pointing out stuff like that. We wandered a bit further down the path and discovered that these pads were in fact Bocce courts. What I wasn’t expecting was the number of male participants and their attire ~ nothing but a Speedo. Not sure who invented the Speedo, but I am thinking they were not expecting older, over weight men to be parading around in public in them… Or maybe they were. Anyways, the one that cracks me up is the guy with the tape measure ~ you know when that bad boy comes out they are meaning business.

Now some of you may know the story of 4 boys who decided that they would get into a van in Vancouver, see the sights of the prairies with the final destination of Winnipeg. This 3 day marathon drive resulted in a significant number of kilometers being put on the van, very little sleep and the introduction of Angry Bocce to each province between British Columbia and Manitoba.
Well as Pam and I strolled the boardwalk in Le Havre, we noticed this large open space and wondered what on earth they would use this for. My first thought was Beach Volleyball, until Pam mentioned that diving into that hard packed sand may actually hurt ~ she is always good for pointing out stuff like that. We wandered a bit further down the path and discovered that these pads were in fact Bocce courts. What I wasn’t expecting was the number of male participants and their attire ~ nothing but a Speedo. Not sure who invented the Speedo, but I am thinking they were not expecting older, over weight men to be parading around in public in them… Or maybe they were. Anyways, the one that cracks me up is the guy with the tape measure ~ you know when that bad boy comes out they are meaning business.

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