So just over 2 years ago, I met Akis here in Aruba. He was had to overnight here on his way back to Greece for vacation. His brother was onboard as the Guest Account Purser, so Akis came to visit. I remember seeing him walk into the office. I was introduced to him by George saying that this might be my new boss when George went on vacation. Akis turned to me, waved, said hello, and then promptly pushed me out of the way so he could use my computer to talk to his buddy's on our instant messenger. Hmmm, I thought.
We had lunch with George and his brother, Greek was flying around the table, but Akis and I spoke about ship life, the need to get off the ship, see things, and at that moment I felt that he understood more of why I was there than what George did. We were in the mess later when he invited me to come to the local bar ~ Carlos and Charlie's ~ for drinks that night before we sailed with the group. Having never been in Aruba before, I got directions and it was my intention to go. It was my first time off the ship by myself. I had been onboard for less than 2 weeks and a lot of this was still new to me ~ so when I wandered off the ship and found Conny, Shannon and the girls, I clung to the safety of being with people I knew and promptly decided I wasn't going to wander the streets of Aruba alone looking for Carlos or Charlie... In the weeks leading up to Akis arrival, I grew more and more anxious about him coming. Things with George were OK, but I just didn't feel like he understood that this job wasn't about the money. This wasn't why I came here ~ I took a pay cut from what I was making in Canada to be here. It was about the travel, seeing places, doing things, not living in the Computer Room. It has only been in the past year when Akis and I recall how we met that I learned that he was looking for me that night ~ despite the fact that we both were with other people. He said that he was disappointed that I didn't show up, and will joke with me that I chose the girls over him.
I do think I believe in 'love at first sight'. Other people may say it is hokey and that you can't possibly know, but there was something about him from the moment I met him. I also remember the feeling of utter disappointment when I first learned that he did have a girlfriend when he joined the ship ~ that sense of 'jeepers, why are all the nice guys taken...'
So as we went out in Aruba yesterday, it was a bit magical to be standing here 2 years later knowing we have future plans. The immediate plans however were to find us a beach.
So Nikos (Akis' boss), Akis and myself headed off to the white sands of the Hyatt. We took in some sun, some sea and dined on food that was not made in the mess. It was a good afternoon out and the boys haven't been off the ship much as there have been projects out the wahzoo.
As we headed back to the ship to drop Nikos off, Akis and I strolled the main street next to the pier and ducked into every jewellery shop there was. Yes, it was fitting that we decided to look for rings here. I'm having a bit of a hard time deciding what it is that I want in the ring. Akis is more of and efficient shopper ~ go in to the store, request what you are looking for and purchase.
So as I was looking at the rings, casting off this one and that one, he had the questioning look for me as if to say ~ what is the difference between these?!? The differences were subtle, but you know, when you are going to be wearing it for decades, you want to make sure you have the right one. We did find a beautiful ring but left it in the store. I think my 'Libra' indecisive ways left me feeling like this is the first day we were looking and I couldn't just go out and buy the first ring we saw... Yes, it will make it difficult as we are not coming back to this port, but as I said to Akis, at least now, I know what it is I am looking for ~ not that I'm picky or anything...
At 6:42 PM,
Unknown said…
Hi Carrie, This is Aunt Annie, Beth Hodges/Tacci's aunt from Florida. Don't be scared off,this is not a message from heaven. Beth's mom and I each married the 2 Hodges brothers, and coincidently, we have the same first names. Very confusing, I know!
I have been following your blogs for over a year now, and have thoroughly enjoyed them.I feel like I am your aunt too. I am thrilled about you and Akis. It has felt like a soap opera following your port to port hit and miss adventures; almost seeing him,not seeing him, just missing seeing him.....I feel so much better now...finally you 2 hooked up!
Congratulations, and have faith, love at first sight really exists!
Jim and I met April 1st, were engaged May 5th, & married on August 27th! Yup,it's rare, but when it is right, it is right!
Beth can vouch for us...even 29 years later! Again, congratulations and all the best, enjoy life, it only comes around once!
At 5:59 PM,
Unknown said…
OK Marc, what did you mean by you wet yourself? Too much for you to handle, or are you jealous!
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