Map anyone?
You know that a sign of an experienced traveller is knowing when they need to stop the locals and ask the question. Doesn't matter how silly it makes you look, the time you save by asking someone who knows about the area is invaluable.
I called my friend Nina to suggest a visit as she has recently moved back to Port Elgin with her husband Scott and their daughter Ally. Port Elgin isn't that large ~ population 7,000 at best ~ and I spent years cruising the streets while in my High School years. With friends from Port, you feel like you know town like the back of your hand. You use landmarks from your younger years and are able to navigate sufficiently.
I had heard about Nina's home and was told it was down the street from another High School friend ~ it's down the street from Spendiff's old place. Great I thought, I'll get the address from Nina and I'm good to go. I know roughly where that is and with the street address, I can find it. Didn't occur to me that I should get her phone number...
As I headed out on the Saturday, I realized the error of not getting the number. With a baby in the house and power somewhat unreliable ~ yes, it had gone out for the 3rd time in 2 days ~ I was questioning whether or not guests were a welcome vision. It can be pretty hard to cook without power. I figured the gracious visitor would actually call to see if Nina still wanted visitors, but Nina is a trouper and I could invision her scrounging through the fridge for things that don't require heat ~ cheese and crackers, tomato sandwiches with mayo, carrot sticks... she'd make it work.
At this point I scanned the map again and I just couldn't find it ~ perhaps an index would have been a good idea, but for god's sake the town has 7,000 people. It shouldn't be this hard. I'm 45 minutes into my search, having driven down by the beach, by the high school I am ready to head home cursing myself for not getting Nina's number and realizing that I complain about Muppets and here I am being a Muppet myself ~ I felt bad about standing them up but what other option do I have. As the power flickered in other parts of the town, the announcers on the radio mentioned that the power had just come on Goderich Street but not Maple. YES ~ Maple, it is here. I pulled over and scanned the map and found it hovering in a lowly corner by itself. For those who are local, it is beside Pierson field.

So as I drove up I see Nina standing in the window. As we chuckled over my disasterous experience trying to navigate Port Elgin, she looks at me and says 'Only you would be able to travel around the globe and then proceed to get lost in your home town...'
She does have a point.
I called my friend Nina to suggest a visit as she has recently moved back to Port Elgin with her husband Scott and their daughter Ally. Port Elgin isn't that large ~ population 7,000 at best ~ and I spent years cruising the streets while in my High School years. With friends from Port, you feel like you know town like the back of your hand. You use landmarks from your younger years and are able to navigate sufficiently.
I had heard about Nina's home and was told it was down the street from another High School friend ~ it's down the street from Spendiff's old place. Great I thought, I'll get the address from Nina and I'm good to go. I know roughly where that is and with the street address, I can find it. Didn't occur to me that I should get her phone number...
As I headed out on the Saturday, I realized the error of not getting the number. With a baby in the house and power somewhat unreliable ~ yes, it had gone out for the 3rd time in 2 days ~ I was questioning whether or not guests were a welcome vision. It can be pretty hard to cook without power. I figured the gracious visitor would actually call to see if Nina still wanted visitors, but Nina is a trouper and I could invision her scrounging through the fridge for things that don't require heat ~ cheese and crackers, tomato sandwiches with mayo, carrot sticks... she'd make it work.
So I headed to Port Elgin I drove into Spendiff's old area. I cruised the streets ~ Maple, Maple, No Maple... Jeepers, where could it have gone. So I drove down to the sub shop which was one of the few establishments open and asked if they knew where Maple street was. A resounding 'NO'. Alright, I continued my search, drove up by the school, no... As I drove along the main street I chuckled to myself, it has been 30 minutes and I don't know where the *^%) Maple street is ~ how sad is that? I stopped at the gas station ~ they MUST know where Maple street is ~ again, in my ill prepared winterware, the locals looked at me like I had 2 heads but one of them offered me a MAP of Port Elgin ~ yes a MAP. I checked out the area where Cindy's old house was ~ no Maple, but Maplewood. Perhaps I didn't listen carefully and so I was off. I get to Maplewood and the numbers start at 700, not 200 which would support my 'I didn't listen well' theory.
My next flash of brillance was to go to her parents ~ Donna and Paul would be able to answer my question. Yes, I would look like a bit of an idiot for not knowing where I was going, but at least I would be put out of my misery and I could get on with dinner and wine. Well, I drive up past the Peever's residence and notice the paper is still sitting on the doorstep. THEY AREN'T HOME! Paul and Donna are ALWAYS home. Well so much for that one.
At this point I scanned the map again and I just couldn't find it ~ perhaps an index would have been a good idea, but for god's sake the town has 7,000 people. It shouldn't be this hard. I'm 45 minutes into my search, having driven down by the beach, by the high school I am ready to head home cursing myself for not getting Nina's number and realizing that I complain about Muppets and here I am being a Muppet myself ~ I felt bad about standing them up but what other option do I have. As the power flickered in other parts of the town, the announcers on the radio mentioned that the power had just come on Goderich Street but not Maple. YES ~ Maple, it is here. I pulled over and scanned the map and found it hovering in a lowly corner by itself. For those who are local, it is beside Pierson field.
As you can see Port Elgin is rather small, and yes, I know the big 'Red Star' on MapQuest makes it quite easy to locate... something to remember for next time!

So as I drove up I see Nina standing in the window. As we chuckled over my disasterous experience trying to navigate Port Elgin, she looks at me and says 'Only you would be able to travel around the globe and then proceed to get lost in your home town...'
She does have a point.
At 11:47 AM,
Unknown said…
You know, this was really great to read through... my grandfather used to spend his summers in Port Elgin, and when I was younger for 7 consecutive years we would hang out there on Canada Day Weekend. It was really nice to see a post on this place! (I got your link through the Great Canadian Mile Run website)... and I agree with you: that town can be navigated through by all of the landmarks that used to be there (though arguably they're different for my grandfather than for you). =)
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