Ketchikan Alaska
Only 2 days to go! I can't believe it is already over. While in some ways it felt like I had been on the ship forever, it is also amazing to see how quickly 6 months could pass...
Furtherest north I had been in North America was either Whitehorse or Hays River NWT on our Winnipeg to Whitehorse run. That said, I was awed by the scenery as we sailed into Ketchikan. It sounds terrible to say, but it reminded me of the mountains you see as you head up to Whistler and some of the fjords in Norway, and I'm sure if I looked back at those photos there would be definite similarities.
We docked that day with the Summit, which was cool as I was able to hook up with Sharon (crazy librarian that was on Constellation during my first contract) and finally meet George ~ another DSM who gave me lots of help when I was first on Constellation alone. After the meet and greets were done, we headed out for lunch and to discover the town. And while the town itself was not large, when you only have one day to check it all out, you make the most of it!
Stef, Nadine, Javier and I headed out to a Chinese Restaurant... yep they have one of those in Ketchikan... The restaurant was the blue building next to Stef and I and was called 'Good Fortune' ~ who thinks up these names anyway?!?

The restaurant itself was nestled on a Creek which had tons of other stores around it. What I didn't know was that the North's original brothel was at the end of the creek... Guess folks need entertaining up in the North!

And of course, what northern town would be complete without it's own totem pole?!?

However the best score of the day was the chocolate covered Oreos that Nati, Chief Security sent me out for. He gave me very specific directions on how to find the store along with very specific instructions on what to purchase... Makes you wonder how he knows all this ~ given these guys rarely get off the ship. Guess it goes to show, Security does know all...
Furtherest north I had been in North America was either Whitehorse or Hays River NWT on our Winnipeg to Whitehorse run. That said, I was awed by the scenery as we sailed into Ketchikan. It sounds terrible to say, but it reminded me of the mountains you see as you head up to Whistler and some of the fjords in Norway, and I'm sure if I looked back at those photos there would be definite similarities.
We docked that day with the Summit, which was cool as I was able to hook up with Sharon (crazy librarian that was on Constellation during my first contract) and finally meet George ~ another DSM who gave me lots of help when I was first on Constellation alone. After the meet and greets were done, we headed out for lunch and to discover the town. And while the town itself was not large, when you only have one day to check it all out, you make the most of it!
Stef, Nadine, Javier and I headed out to a Chinese Restaurant... yep they have one of those in Ketchikan... The restaurant was the blue building next to Stef and I and was called 'Good Fortune' ~ who thinks up these names anyway?!?

The restaurant itself was nestled on a Creek which had tons of other stores around it. What I didn't know was that the North's original brothel was at the end of the creek... Guess folks need entertaining up in the North!

And of course, what northern town would be complete without it's own totem pole?!?

However the best score of the day was the chocolate covered Oreos that Nati, Chief Security sent me out for. He gave me very specific directions on how to find the store along with very specific instructions on what to purchase... Makes you wonder how he knows all this ~ given these guys rarely get off the ship. Guess it goes to show, Security does know all...
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